Tuesday 19 November 2013

Diwali a traditional delight

Diwali a traditional delight

Festival of lights in India is a most awaited and ceremonial feast where everyone comes under a single roof to enjoy a carnival
and to cheer a victory of good over bad which leaves us with a message, no matter how much powerful an evil is, god would always have his upper hand.

Celebrated during a month of November, which definitely varies from year to year, Diwali is amongst the most beautiful occasion which defines a culture of India and it is celebrated in every corner of nation with enthusiasm and splendor.

Another tale that makes Diwali a beautiful time is its mythology, it is believed that Rama returned home on this month after an exile of 14 years that was soughed to him and to celebrate his victory over demonic power Ravan who took Rama wife in Disguise and took her down to his kingdom and Rama in his turn defeated a demonic power with his force of monkey along with a powerful Hanuman.

And to celebrate all the victory the kingdom of Rama, Ayodhya celebrated a day with crackers and by lighting Diyas from here the festival of light and crackers had its background and the tradition still continuous to mark a presence of lord Rama.

Diwali is divided into a part of celebration, it is a five day carnival and each day carries its own significance and each day is celebrated with a delight by sharing sweats to each other and by lighting Diyas and cracking crackers.

First day start with a program of Dhanteras also known as Dhantrayodashi, the day is dedicated to a lord of Wealth lakshmi is celebrated in the month of Karthik where all the families stands in each of their prayer room and cries a prayer of Maa Lakshmi and thanks her for her blessing.

It is believed that a man who prays to a goddess of prosperity their life would always be guided with prosperity and solidarity so on this day people draws a Rangoli in an entrance of their house to invite a blessing of Goddess lakshmi.

2nd Day, NAKRA-CHATURDASHI: also known as Choti diwali, on this day people remembers and thank Lord Krishna for his wisdom and power that killed invincible Narakasur. Celebrated on the same of Karthik it invites a grand festival of Diwali and people on this day lights a lamp to oust a gloom and enjoys all night celebrating the victory of Good over bad.

3rd Day, LAKSHMI PUJA: it is a most important day in fact a base of Diwali. On this day people spends a day by singing prayers of Lakshmi Mata. During this day people shares the sweets to each other house welcoming a beauty of festival and enjoys all night long celebrating feast as it is a most important part of five day ceremony.

4th day, PADWA OR VARSHAPRATIPADA: on this day we witness a beauty of relation between husband and wife where newly bliss couples are invited for occasional dish and enjoys an evening with an essence of festive mood.

On this day people exchange gifts and share a message of love and compassion.
5th day, BHAI-DOOJ: this day is marked with a purity of sister brother relation where brother gifts a beauty of their love to their sister and sister in her turn tilak their brother with a blessing and love.

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