Wednesday 2 October 2013

For Woman Traveling in India, Feel safe with these Tips

India is a country of utter and spontaneous beauty but sometimes it can be filthy especially for women traveler desiring to travel to the varied parts of this nation.
Women are raped brutally and forwarded to death in the country which regards women as an avatar of Devi (Hindu god). As of present, number of foreigner rapes has made this nation a ‘no’ for women. For example: gang rape of Swiss women and a brutal rape of Delhi Women which forced the government to change the legislation. Usage of slang languages against women or groping women has been like key factors for the decreasing number of women travelers in India in the recent years.
Here are some tips which will make you feel better and save you from those hungers of women body while traveling in the beautiful nation of India.
  •   Foreign Governments give a wide array of advice for the women traveling to India like,  Canada which advises its citizens especially for the solo traveler not to travel at night    alone.
  •   Holi which is a colourful festival can be much more notorious than your imagination.
  •   Physical incidents are reported more in crowded trains, buses and other public transportation.
  • Traveling Solo:
  • Traveling solo may be your forte, but in some areas of India it can give to a severe problem to you. Some tips while traveling solo:
  •   If someone does a wrong doing to you while in a public transportation or a crowded place, generate an argument which will notify other people thus ending the sinister guy bad behaviors. It will really make the other people to charge the creepy guy.
  •   Dial 100 for police if situation turns worse.
  •   Don’t be frightened to speak it out while in a crowd; roar out the problems so that they can come to rescue you.
  •   Home stays are better option in which one can learn several valuable things about the cultures and traditions of India.
  •   Communicate while in a long train journey which will aid you to share several things and they are likely to give you some safety tips.
  • Simple and practical tips to feel Safer:
  •   Don’t wear clothes which are revealing, tight or proactive, ensure to cover your vital parts inorder to lessen the unwanted attraction.
  •   Choose hotel in a busy area or somewhere in a decent and safe locality. You can also choose to stay pg in your friend house if you have some.
  •   While at hotel don’t open the hotel for the person you don’t know.
  •   Don’t engage yourself in any kind of conversation or arguments in the middle of nowhere.
  •   Avoid traveling alone in nights.
  •   Avoid wearing jewelries.
  •   Avoid physical touch with man.
  •   Inform your family or friend before visiting to some place.
  •   Be strict and rude at times.
  •   Listen to your instincts.
  •   Ask for the UB (Upper Berth) while traveling in trains, it is private and will not attract the passers. Avoid LB (Lower berth).
  •   If you are or some other is a victim of harassment, report it to the nearby police station immediately.
  •   Avoid drinking and smoking as if it is your mother’s home in your country. In, India public smoking and drinking by women is considered absolute rubbish.
  •   Don’t partake in street fest.
  •   Greet the e4lders with ‘Namaste’; you can go for optional hi or hello to the youth.
  • Last but not the least; learn some fighting skills and techniques before traveling to India. Also read a book about cultural differenc

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post and some great tips. Here's a tip from my eBook, Nepal: A Tourist's Manual:

    Wear a padded bra if you are going to a festival. The young men can grab a feel and you won't notice. If they cannot get a rise out of you-you aren't interesting. You can get a nursing bra and put money in it and this type of bra can come with removable pads. Seriously, dress modestly and follow the advice listed above and you won't have a problem.

    My blog will help you to enjoy this part of the world a bit better and much of it applies to India, as well.
