Monday 30 December 2013

Beauty of nature and its wildlife features

As we all know India is a land of Wild animal and fauna here are preserved with an utmost responsibility
so if you are planning to take a wildlife tour than following instruction and tips could be useful to enjoy a life of natural habituates.

Below mention tips are useful while exploring a wild life and for going into wild safari as majestic species could well drive your mind to touch them or to experience them in a closest way but you should remember they are apex predator so you should always keep yourself in safer side and following tips would help you to enjoy responsibly.
Understanding the threats to animals and wildlife
As they are not familiar to you, the first thing you should understand is they like solitude of nature so your presence could well irritate them do not try to get close to them as their existence to environment is very rare so the for most thing you should know is you are at their territory and to hunt them, poach or trade them could well earn you vacation at jail. Do not pollute their environment and do not make noise enjoy in a mood of stillness and be safe.

Respect the animals  
While engaging your mind at a wonders of wildlife always remember to respect them and to pay them respect you must keep calm, do not try to loiter around or call them by shouting or yelling at them, try to avoid their attention because for them you are an alien and your non sense behavior could well cause you a harm.

Do not litter in the area
Environment could only look beauty if we keep it clean and in turn it would give us a beauty so while on tour do not be dirty customer don’t make your tour a garbage tour and always keep a bag  to dump your waste and be a soul admirer of Nature.

Do not feed the wild animals
Be a safe seeker do not feed a wild animals because it may contain ingredients which they might not be able to digest or even there is a possibility to not convince their hunger so it is always advice not to feed a wild being.

Do not get much closer to the endangered predators
Maintain a well distance with wild being as they could well look to be aggressive in times so be smart and keep a safe distance to prevent any wild consequences it is always advice to keep a guide while going on safari to be safe.

Take advice from your trained guides
Do not be anxious and always follow an instruction of your guide because they know how you could stay safe. Do not loiter alone keep your guide close to you and before you approach alone take an advice from your guide, do not carry a flash light camera with you while enjoying a surrounding.

Go through the physically active test
It is always advised to go for medical check before you plan out a safari ride an adverse condition here is very different from your day to day life so it’s better to get your health checked and if your doctor gives green signal than only opt for a wild life safari and at the same time do not forget to carry your medical kit with you.

Be careful while photographing
Wildlife photography is always amazing but do not get too indulge always be aware and alarmed maintain a safe distance while clicking a image o not use a flash light camera and do remember to carry a SLR camera to get a clear picture.

Join a conservation volunteer scheme
Take an initiative and join wildlife conservation Programs to contribute from your end. Donate for wildlife prospect and choice proper tour operators.

For safe safari, take prior permission from the jungle authority
Before you plan out a reservation and approval from respective authority is must and once you contact them they would arrange a safari tour for you so that you can enjoy responsibly and understand nature in a new way.

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