Tuesday 11 September 2012

Know about the weather of Kashmir

The “Switzerland of the East”, Kashmir is famous around the world for its never ending beauty.
This land is blessed with absolutely beautiful weather throughout the year. The weather and seasons of Kashmir have made this place a very favorite tourist destination. The Kashmir Climate (view more..)can be distinctly divided into four categories.
Winter- Kashmir is known for its mystical snow capped mountains, lakes and exceptional hill stations. The winter season gives Kashmir a new dimension to reveal its beauty. This winter period generally extends from December to February. During this season the temperature varies from a min of -5 degree to a maximum of 8 to 9 degrees. This season covers almost the whole of Kashmir valley with a white sheet of snow. The whistling sound of the winds echoing through these valleys is quite common during this time. Rainfall and snowfall covers almost all of these days. 

While the whole of Kashmir sleeps in this season it opens new opportunities for adventurers. This time becomes the best time for travelers who love chilling weather and cool icy winds. This season gives ample opportunities for winter sport lovers. Places like Gulmarg and Khilanmarg becomes the hot spots for skiing. These places also offer you heliskiing; ice skating, ice hockey etc. Pahalgam and Srinagar are the most popular sites for this sport. You can even get a chance to skate over the frozen Dal Lake. This season sees a boost of tourism.

Spring- Rising from the hibernation of winter, the Kashmir valley now slowly blooms with spring. This seasons starts from the early days of March and ends in May. During this season the temperature varies from a min of 3.5 degrees to a max of 24 degrees. The nature becomes alive and it seems that Kashmir turns into heaven during this period. The whole valley blossoms with apple, cherry, peach, pears, pansies and daises. The whole valley wraps up itself with greenery and flowers. The sweet smell of spring flows throughout Kashmir. This is the best time to visit this land.

Summer- This season expands from June to August. During this time the heat slowly rises but it does not exceed the unbearable limit. The max temperature during these days will be around 30 degrees. The comfort this place shows even during this summer season has been a main point to its tourism. Thousands of people flee away from the unbearable sun of the summers and enter this place, where the same sun welcomes them in a gentle way. The melted snow running through the rivers point you to the snow capped mountains of the Himalaya. These rivers, lakes and deep valleys receive a magical touch in summer.

Autumn- Summer is followed by autumn from September to November. This is the most awaited season in Kashmir. During this season the whole of Kashmir turns golden. The temperature varies from 28 degrees to 2 degrees from day to night. The falling red leaves of Chinnar decorate this land during this season. The extensive meadows turn golden and become a treat for eyes. After autumn, winter again creeps in completing the cycle of seasons in Kashmir. 

All the beauty of this land is revealed during this play of seasons. Kashmir shows multiple faces during these seasons but the only thing that remains constant is its beauty. Maybe for this reason it is also called the “paradise on earth”.


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  2. Kashmir is also known as Switzerland..Thanks for share this beautiful place .\

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